December 1 & 2
Interested performers who are auditioning (in-person and virtually) are invited to take a moment and read the Welcome to Auditions link for important information related to this audition.
See Audition Information for more details related to submitting virtually, including how to send your vocal audition.
Virtual Audition Form (must be received by December 2 at 12:00 pm) Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered.
Doors open no earlier than 30 minutes prior to a scheduled audition.
December 1st at 6:30 pm: All ages
December 2nd at 7 pm: All ages
Performers interested in auditioning in person can fill out the in-person application and bring it completed to the audition.
On the application for this audition are questions related to double casting, understudying, and swinging (not performing unless called upon to). Performers should answer these questions honestly and truthfully, while maintaining transparency about any other needs (will only be cast with a fellow auditionee/conflicts/etc.) Statements alluding to/presenting indirectness as well as vague responses (maybe/will discuss later/etc.) are strongly discouraged from being placed on the application.
Follow the romantic and comic exploits of Dolly Gallagher Levi, turn-of-the-century matchmaker and “woman who arranges things,” as she travels to New York to find a match for the miserly “well-known, unmarried, half-a-millionaire” Horace Vandergelder. Everything changes however, when she decides that the next match she needs to make is for herself. A blockbuster Broadway hit, Hello, Dolly! is bursting with humor, romance, high-energy dancing, and some of the greatest songs in musical theatre history.
Due to the extremely busy production schedule and the demands of this show, rehearsals for this production will continue through the holiday season with the exception of Christmas Eve/Day and New Years Eve/Day. It is imperative that you are fully transparent with the directors regarding conflicts between December 9th through February 23rd that are placed on your audition application. The casting team is not able to accommodate most conflicts that are communicated following this audition process. Additional conflicts may result in removal from the company.
NOTE: The ages are meant to give performers a point of reference and will be determined based on the audition process.
Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi
An indefatigable meddling matchmaker; a widow in her middle years
(Orig. Range: Eb3-G4 w/ opt. notes down to Bb2; Med-Voice Vers: G3-C#5 w/ opt. notes down to F#3)
Mrs. Irene Molloy
A millineress with a hat shop near 14th Street in New York City
(Contralto - Range in both versions: A3-D5, w/ optional notes down to G3 and up to E5)
Minnie Fay
A young girl who works in Irene’s Shop
(Comic Soprano - Orig. Range: Eb4-F5 w/ opt. notes down to C4; Med. Voice Vers: Bb3-F5)
A single woman in need of Mrs. Levi’s services
(Range in both versions: F4-D5)
The 17-year-old niece of Horace Vandergelder
(Orig. Range: E4-G5; Med. Voice Vers: A3-C#5)
Horace Vandergelder
Proprietor of a hay and feed store in Yonkers, NY and a client of Mrs. Levi’s
(Baritone - Range in both versions: B2-E4)
Cornelius Hackl
Vandergelder’s chief clerk, 33 years old
(High Baritone - Orig. Range: D#3-G4 w/ opt. notes down to Bb2; Med. Voice Vers: C3-G4 w/ opt. notes down to A2)
Barnaby Tucker
An assistant to Cornelius, 17 years old
(Tenor - Orig. Range: E3-G4 w/ opt. notes down to Bb2; Med. Voice Vers: Bb2-G4 w/ opt. notes down to A2)
Ambrose Kemper
A young artist seeking to marry Ermengarde
(Tenor - Orig. Range: E3-G4; Med. Voice Vers: F#3-F#4)
The Playhouse is currently seeking a medium-sized ensemble of all ethnicities who act, sing, and dance their way throughout the production. Some of these tracks may include performing at heights, on moving platforms, and portraying minor supporting named characters. All tracks in the ensemble will require varying amounts of elegant dancing as well as exceptional physical acting and singing. Performers interested in auditioning for this ensemble should have some proficiency in musical theatre/dance.